Kansas Department for Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT) - Kansas' State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP), previously known as the Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Plan, provides a comprehensive vision for managing Kansas' fish, wildlife, and wildlife habitats. A coalition of more than 3,000 conservation organizations known as, Teaming with Wildlife, worked to keep species from becoming endangered by increasing state and federal funding for wildlife conservation.
State wildlife grants (SWG) are funds that can be used for all wildlife, and enables KDWPT to fund necessary studies and projects, to keep rare species from becoming endangered, and to keep common species from declining. As a requirement to be eligible for SWG funds, Congress charged each state and territory with developing an approved Wildlife Plan. https://ksoutdoors.com/Wildlife-Habitats |
Ducks Unlimited - conserves, restores, and manages wetlands and associated habitats for North America's waterfowl. These habitats also benefit other wildlife and people. Waterfowl conservation is facing important challenges as wetlands and other habitats are being degraded and destroyed across the continent. https://www.ducks.org/ Podcast https://www.ducks.org/media/du-podcast
Pheasants Forever is dedicated to the conservation of pheasants, quail and other wildlife through habitat improvements, public awareness, education, and land management policies and programs. https://www.pheasantsforever.org/
Quality Deer Management Association - Since its earliest days, QDMA has been a recognized leader in educating hunters and the general public on all aspects of whitetail biology and management and habitat improvement. However, the types of information desired by these groups as well as the tools available to deliver this information constantly change, and QDMA is keeping pace.