The 2022 Poster Contest theme is “Healthy Soil:
Healthy Life"
Pollinators form the foundations of a healthy and sustainable future for food and the environment, but in recent years, they have shown concerning signs of decline. It’s important that we work to help them prosper by enhancing native pollinator habitats and protecting against pollinator declines.
Contact the Douglas County Conservation District to help you care for your Pollinators.
Douglas County Students are invited to display their knowledge and creativity through participation in the annual Douglas County Conservation District poster, speech, essay, and limerick contest. First, second, and third place awards will be given to county winners at the DCCD's annual meeting. First place in each judging category advances to the state level competition.
Rules for Poster Contest: Grades K-12 are eligible to participate. Judging categories are K-1, 2-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12. Poster paper 12" x 18", horizontal orientation should be used, and this year's theme "Healthy Soil: Healthy Life" Must be included to be considered for a prize. Rules for Essay Contest: Grades 5-8 are eligible to participate. Essay should be typed on letter sized paper, 500 words or less and include why conservation is important. Rules for Limerick Contest: Grades 3-8 are eligible to participate. Limerick should reflect the conservation theme in the title and stanza lines. Must be attached or nicely handwritten on a 12" x 18 " poster paper, horizontal orientation. Free Educational Resources from NACD: Additional Education Resources: Coloring Pages |
A 2016 winning limerick: